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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 29, Issue 4, pp. 823-1065

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Quasiconvexification in W1,1 and Optimal Jump Microstructure in BV Relaxation

Christopher J. Larsen

pp. 823-848

A Note on Matrix Refinement Equations

Thomas A. Hogan

pp. 849-854

On the Regularization of Fredholm Integral Equations of the First Kind

Enrico De Micheli, Nicodemo Magnoli, and Giovanni Alberto Viano

pp. 855-877

"Chaos Games" for Iterated Function Systems with Grey Level Maps

B. Forte, F. Mendivil, and E. R. Vrscay

pp. 878-890

Rearrangements of Vector Valued Functions, with Application to Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows

R. J. Douglas

pp. 891-902

Stabilization of Vortices in the Ginzburg--Landau Equation with a Variable Diffusion Coefficient

Xu-Yan Chen, Shuichi Jimbo, and Yoshihisa Morita

pp. 903-912

Stationary Particle Systems Approximating Stationary Solutions to the Boltzmann Equation

S. Caprino, M. Pulvirenti, and W. Wagner

pp. 913-934

Isospectral Sets for Fourth-Order Ordinary Differential Operators

Lester F. Caudill, Jr., Peter A. Perry, and Albert W. Schueller

pp. 935-966

Asymptotics for the Spectrum of a Fluid/Structure Hybrid System Arising in the Control of Noise

Sorin Micu and Enrique Zuazua

pp. 967-1001

Evolution of Mixed-State Regions in Type-II Superconductors

Chaocheng Huang and Thomas Svobodny

pp. 1002-1021

Applications of the Hopf--Lax Formula for ut+H(u,Du)=0

E. N. Barron, R. Jensen, and W. Liu

pp. 1022-1039

Orthonormal Wavelet Bases Adapted for Partial Differential Equations with Boundary Conditions

Pascal Monasse and Valérie Perrier

pp. 1040-1065